RED GLOBE grapes
PALIERI grapes
ITALIA grapes

The cluster is well-developed with an average weight of 700-800 g (sometimes exceeding 1 kg), of conic-pyramidal shape with 1 or 2 wings and somewhat loose. The berries are purplish-red in colour, quite spherical, with average weight around 9-10 g, 2 or 3 seeds per berry and delicate flavour.


The large cluster is very handsome, cylindrical-pyramidal, winged and fairly loose, with an average weight of 600-800 g. The berries are large and oval, purplish black in colour, with moderately thick, firm and bloomy skins. The flesh is crisp, firm and juicy with a delicate flavour.

The loose cluster is large, 20 cm long, conical-pyramidal with wings and a thick herbaceous stem. The egg-shaped berries are very large and regular: the skin is bloomy, thick and substantial with a beautiful golden-yellow colour; the pulp is fleshy, juicy and sweet with a delicate and pleasing Muscat aroma.

The bunches are large, pyramidal and rather loose. The yellow berries are rather large and elliptical, and the skin is slightly bloomy, moderately thick and of a beautiful greenish-yellow; the flesh is crisp yet juicy and mildly sweet. The grapes travel well.